Working Together
We value parents as the main carers and educators of their children and it is our aim to work in partnership with you to meet your child’s needs. We are available at the beginning and end of each session and at other mutually convenient times to talk to you or share your child’s record with you. Your child’s key person will also meet regularly with you to discuss your child’s learning and welfare.
Key Person
When your child starts Holmhirst they will be assigned a member of staff to be their key person. This person will be someone that your child has formed a bond with during their initial sessions and will take a special interest in your child, developing an individual knowledge of them. The key person will become a point of personal contact for you and your child, providing continuity during their time at pre-school. They will also maintain your child’s parent/pre-school observation record and share it with you.
Settling In
Before your child starts pre-school you will be offered an opportunity to visit when both you and your child can spend a little time with us and see how we work. You are also welcome to come back for another visit, which can be arrange by speaking to the Pre-School Manager.
Leaving your child for the first time can be a daunting experience, which is why we promote a child-led settling in process. Our approach is very flexible and we want children to feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents. It may be that your child will be quite happy for you to leave immediately or they may require a much more gradual approach. This can be discussed with the Pre-School Manager and tailored to your child’s needs.